EPL is pleased to announce that electron microscopy services will be provided in conjunction with the Laboratory for Neurotoxicity Studies (LNS) at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA.

Operating under the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine GLP Program, the LNS is a fully GLP-compliant, state-of-the-art transmission electron microscopy laboratory that has supported regulatory studies for over 25 years.  Dr. Bernard Jortner, a board-certified veterinary pathologist with over 40 years of experience in neuropathology, toxicology and ultrastructural research, is the LNS Director.

For additional information, please visit here.

Categories: NewsTags: Bernard JortnerElectron MicroscopyEMEPLGLP-compliantGOP EMLaboratory of Neurotoxicology StudiesLNSneuropathologyTEMTom SteinbachToxicologic PathologyToxicologytransmission electron microscopyultrastructural researchVa Tech EMVirginia TechVMRCVM

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